Bloom where you are planted

There seems to be a misconception that Self Care is all about treating yourself to a day off or having a massage, which as a result means many individuals push it aside claiming they don’t have the time or can’t afford it.

Simple confusion. It does not have to take any extra time from your day that you valuably need nor does it need to cost you anything. It is purely looking after yourself both mentally and physically.

So what’s my first and easiest version? Ensuring your thoughts are those that nourish your soul and make you a better person.

Meditation in the morning before everyone wakes, a simple positive affirmation you repeat to yourself whilst showering, having your favorite mantra on a bangle or cuff that you look at all day long. Much like exercise, these all raise the level of feel-good hormones and push our brains to begin forming new habits of positive thought.

Now how do you treat yourself at no cost? If flowers are a luxury to you, pick some on the way home, even just foliage in a vase can make you smile. Do you save the candles you have been gifted for special occasions? .. just light them up.. treat every day like it is special. That bottle of slightly more vintage than norm tipple? Crack it open. Don’t save those creams, soaps or scents you got in a gift box.. use them daily, make your own daily routine like being at a spa. It might not be someone else massaging it all in but I can guarantee you that you will feel like a king or queen when you are all buffed and exfoliated.

Do you love to read books but never find the time around work? .. shut off your phone for the commute home and don’t worry about catching up on social media, claim the time back for you and something that’s creates growth in your life. Read or maybe learn a new language, download a podcast, finally try that meditation app?

As a side note, if you have ever tried to read The Power of Now and struggled then listen to it on Audibooks read by the author himself.. it made SO much more sense and is a really simple approach a more holistic life.

When you are buying your groceries, treat yourself to the exotic fruits. They seem like a luxury price but are usually cheaper than confectionery.. OR/AND buy the slightly more expensive bottle of wine just because it is a new experience. It has been well documented that a healthy diet rich in diversity and containing as many whole foods as possible will not only prevent against disease but shows amazing results for mental health and if that isn’t self care then I don’t know what is ?!

Self Care comes from making yourself a priority. Ensuring your inner dialogue is one of kindness leaving no room for self deprecation. When we verbally affirm our hopes and dreams, we are instantly lifted and strengthened with a deep sense of empowerment that those words will become a reality. Saying ‘No’ to things that will stress you out or overload your day. Making time for a midday run instead of doing that last email. Leaving your phone at home when you take your dog for a walk.

One of the easiest things you can do is surround yourself by positive people. People that inspire you, people you admire, people you adore, the ones that just radiate light that shines on you. Those individuals that support your efforts or even better those individuals that you walk alongside you when you’re trying out new things, are always there if you start to fall to hold you up, make you accountable and guide you to push on through.

Speaking of being accountable. l would like to keep this conversation going and share our ways of creating self care on the cheap via Instagram or FB. You up for that? Check in on me and I promise I will share a couple every month.

We just need to bloom where we are planted.