

Perimenopause and Performance for Women Over 40 with Lara Briden and Kira Sutherland


Recently Lara Briden and I had the opportunity to chat about Metabolic Health and Vitality for Women over 40 on the Natural Medicine Podcast. If this is something you're interested in, today's post is for you. We cover the lived experience of women transitioning through perimenopause to menopause and the physical and emotional aspects clinician's need to be mindful on when working with women over 40. In this episode, we chatted about:

  • Anabolic elements of estrogen
  • Why alcohol is an important…

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Sports Nutrition Course Online Sneak Peek


I've got a special sneak peek for you today related to a Sports Nutrition Course online I'll be presenting on the 22nd of March. That sports nutrition course will be different from the usual slides and technical teaching. Instead, I'll walk you through case studies that illustrate exactly how I work with my clients, as well as all the things I use to help them with performance, recovery, and injury, including:

  • nutrients - macro and micro
  • fuelling
  • vitamins
  • supplements
  • and more

In this s…

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Quantity vs Quality: How To Do A Macro Eating Plan Right

Have you been hearing a lot about macro eating lately? Me too. But I have some concerns about what I'm seeing. So let's take a look today at how to do a macro eating plan right.

I follow a lot of health, wellbeing, and fitness folk on social media. I do this for two reasons.

The first is that I love supporting my community. I love having a strong network of peeps I can call on, share with, or be inspired by.

The second is, it’s a great way of keeping on the pulse of what food philosophies are trend…

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Plant Focused Nutrition For The Active Female

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Plant focused nutrition is something I am often asked about. If this is something you're interested in, today's post is for you. Recently, I was a guest on the Plant Based Kick Starter podcast with host Elly McLean where we chatted all things plant-focused nutrition for active women. In this episode, we chatted about:

and much more. You can listen in below, or on Spoti…

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Optimise Your Diet To Get The Most Out Of Your Exercise And Training


When it comes to eating for sports performance, there's a big gap in research for women. The truth is, most sports research is centred around men, but men and women don't benefit from the same approach to exercise and nutrition. And let's not forget about protein - how much do you need? What kind? How do you know what to eat and what not to eat? As a guest on the Period Party podcast, we chatted about all of this, including:

  • Differences between how female and male bodies respond to exercise

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Sports Nutrition For Active Women

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There's a lot of confusion around sports nutrition for women. And whether you're an athlete, gym junkie, a runner, wanting to build muscle in midlife, or just need to get fit and healthy again after pregnancy - it's hard to know how the right way to fuel your needs. I was recently featured in the Wholehearted Health & Nutrition podcast with Samantha Bennett, where we chatted about exactly this topic. In this podcast, we talk about:

  • Is the protein powder you're using good? Or should you even b…

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Resolution or evolution

It’s a funny time of year. Many of us have one foot in the past, and the other in the future. It’s a time of deep reflection of the year gone by. What did you learn? What did you gain? What dd you leave behind? It’s also a time of imagining the possibilities of the future.

Unsurprisingly, this time of year there’s a spike of new clients walking through the clinic doors. They’ve finally decided to make a change in their health. Finally, they want to get on top of their gut issues. Finally, they fe…

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Reframe Your Thinking About Food

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Do you classify the food you eat as either "good" or "bad?" If so, it's time to reframe your thinking about food. It's a very common mistake to think that the nutritional advice you find in the world applies to everyone. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Women are not just small men, so it's critical to learn what works best for females, when you're talking about fuelling for exercise, even if you're not a serious athlete. I was recently featured as a guest on Chloe's Clinic Podcast, …

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Nutrition for Active Women

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Did you know that most sports nutrition studies are done on men only? It's true. Which means understanding nutrition for active women can be a challenge. Here's the thing - since women are not just small men, it's important to learn what works best for females, whether we're athletes, weekend warriors, or anything in between. That's one reason I was so pleased to be a guest on Jules Galloway's Straight Talking Natural Health podcast to talk about this very thing. In this episode, we cover nutrit…

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Five ways to level up your water

Previously I’ve written about why we need to drink water, and the functions it plays in our bodies. As much as I’m an advocate that knowledge is power, sometimes knowledge isn’t enough. Over the years I have heard a plethora of reasons as to why people don’t drink water; with the most common reason being many peeps just don’t like water. Perhaps you grew up in a town where the water wasn’t the cleanest or the pipes made it taste nasty. Perhaps you were raised on soft drinks and juice, and your b…

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