
Bloom where you are planted

There seems to be a misconception that Self Care is all about treating yourself to a day off or having a massage, which as a result means many individuals push it aside claiming they don’t have the time or can’t afford it.

Simple confusion. It does not have to take any extra time from your day that you valuably need nor does it need to cost you anything. It is purely looking after yourself both mentally and physically.

So what’s my first and easiest version? Ensuring your thoughts are those that…

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Depression, Anxiety, Stress.. they are not such dirty words..

Kira asked me to guest post for her this month on stress, family and mental health… Why? Because I have been there, got the T Shirt, worn it to death, taken it off, washed it and now it hangs firmly in my closet to remind me of the lessons learnt along its journey.

Everyone’s story is different, and everyone’s story is personal, but they all have common traits and outcomes and that is what I want to talk about.

There is no shame in suffering from anxiety or depression. It can stem from childhood…

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For the love of Adaptogens

Earlier this year, we explored the 7 Pillars of Health. One thing that sort of weaved it’s way through each of the pillars, unintentionally, was the impact that STRESS is having on our bodies. For example, we looked at how stress is potentially affecting our sleep hygiene, and our mental health. And, whilst each month I proposed a challenge or two, to help get our seven pillars back in line, I’ve had a lot of feedback regarding how I can help with stress in a clinical setting.

Being a Naturopath/…

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Can we get a little more Whole?

In case you haven’t noticed, half a year has already passed us by. The seasons have definitely changed, taxes are due, and most importantly; we have arrived at the final Natures 7 Healers – Whole Foods/Healthy Diet.

It’s been a bit of a journey getting here. Each month we dove into one of the healers, and challenged ourselves; we aimed for less technology before bed, more sunshine and fresh air, and getting more movement into our everyday. Some months were easier than others….

This month we’re loo…

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Breathing Deep at my Extreme Wellness Retreat 

In April this year I made it to LEVEL 50 which is pretty exciting seeing as how much I have managed to pack in within that time and if I stay as well as I hope I will get another 40 levels or so (years that is). I am not a fan of big parties as it feels like a million ½ conversations so instead I chose to do a few smaller things with family and friends and then I took myself off on a solo adventure. If you have met me before this is not a surprise as firstly I love travel, second I love nature a…

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Mental and Emotional Balance

Back at the beginning of this year, in my Minimalistic Health, Our Step One blog post I mentioned that mental and emotional well-being/balance one is often omitted to make the “7 Healers”. After this months blog, I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say I actually think that this Nature's Healer definitely needs to be included in the list!

Don’t get me wrong, I truly believe that many PHYSICAL factors, such as good food, water, sunshine and exercise are so important to our health. However, if we …

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Lets get Physical..

We are at the halfway point of exploring our seven pillars of health. Each month we’ve been focusing on a pillar, finding our groove in how that pillar fits into our lives, and challenging ourselves to improve that area. We’ve looked at increasing our water intake, improving our sleep hygiene, and getting some more sunshine in our day to day.

This month where going to zero in on an area which is so important in my life, and my clinical practice; exercise.

Both the word, and action, of exercise can…

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Bring me Sunshine

As we move forward into March, we welcome a change of seasons. Whether you base your seasons on the equinox, or follow the obtuse change of seasons based on the calendar, in the Southern hemisphere March brings with it cooler nights, a slow shift into shorter days, and a crispness in the air. For those of you in the chilly Northern Hemisphere, the polar vortex begins to thaw, as you charge up the grill for a summer of cookouts. This makes March the perfect month to talk about one of the 7 Healer…

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Sleep Hygiene

With the year in full swing it almost feels ironic to be talking about sleep; nobody is getting any and no one has time for it! Sleep is one of the 7 pillars that I feel so many of us are challenged by. Something as simple as closing your eyes and simply sleeping, seems to have become an exclusive commodity of our time. When we talk of this pillar of health, we need to think about not only in its quantity, but the quality of sleep we are getting. There is no point boasting about spending 8 hours…

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Minimalistic Health our Step One..

As January goes racing by and all my plans of how much I want to rest over the holidays becomes a distant memory I got to thinking and reading all the blogs and posts about minimalism that keep hitting my inbox. Marie Kondo’s TV show has just hit Netflix and one or two other bloggers on minimalism that I follow have both put out books to assist in this process and it got me to thinking, why is it we are so focused on all the things we own or want to get rid of when really we should be focused on…

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