
Sports Nutrition For Active Women

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There's a lot of confusion around sports nutrition for women. And whether you're an athlete, gym junkie, a runner, wanting to build muscle in midlife, or just need to get fit and healthy again after pregnancy - it's hard to know how the right way to fuel your needs. I was recently featured in the Wholehearted Health & Nutrition podcast with Samantha Bennett, where we chatted about exactly this topic. In this podcast, we talk about:

  • Is the protein powder you're using good? Or should you even b…

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Resolution or evolution

It’s a funny time of year. Many of us have one foot in the past, and the other in the future. It’s a time of deep reflection of the year gone by. What did you learn? What did you gain? What dd you leave behind? It’s also a time of imagining the possibilities of the future.

Unsurprisingly, this time of year there’s a spike of new clients walking through the clinic doors. They’ve finally decided to make a change in their health. Finally, they want to get on top of their gut issues. Finally, they fe…

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Reframe Your Thinking About Food

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Do you classify the food you eat as either "good" or "bad?" If so, it's time to reframe your thinking about food. It's a very common mistake to think that the nutritional advice you find in the world applies to everyone. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Women are not just small men, so it's critical to learn what works best for females, when you're talking about fuelling for exercise, even if you're not a serious athlete. I was recently featured as a guest on Chloe's Clinic Podcast, …

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Nutrition for Active Women

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Did you know that most sports nutrition studies are done on men only? It's true. Which means understanding nutrition for active women can be a challenge. Here's the thing - since women are not just small men, it's important to learn what works best for females, whether we're athletes, weekend warriors, or anything in between. That's one reason I was so pleased to be a guest on Jules Galloway's Straight Talking Natural Health podcast to talk about this very thing. In this episode, we cover nutrit…

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Five ways to level up your water

Previously I’ve written about why we need to drink water, and the functions it plays in our bodies. As much as I’m an advocate that knowledge is power, sometimes knowledge isn’t enough. Over the years I have heard a plethora of reasons as to why people don’t drink water; with the most common reason being many peeps just don’t like water. Perhaps you grew up in a town where the water wasn’t the cleanest or the pipes made it taste nasty. Perhaps you were raised on soft drinks and juice, and your b…

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Why hydration is so important

There’s been more than one occasion when I’ve had a client sitting with me in clinic who tells me they don’t drink water. Their beverages range from coffee, black tea, juice, soft drink, and maybe a glass or two of water. When I ask why they don’t drink water, the replies range from “I forget”, “I’m not thirsty” or, “I don’t like water”.

Then there’s the opposite end of the spectrum; clients who tell me they’re drinking about four litres a day.  Yes, if you’re doing a lot of exercising or spendin…

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How Much Protein Do You Need Every Day?

One of the questions I get over and over is, "How much protein do you need every day?"

And as with most things, the answer is - it depends. Many factors play into how much you will need, including your age, your training level, and more.

So I was happy to be featured recently on the Wellness by Designs podcast, where we chatted about this very topic.

In this episode, we discussed the needs of different patient groups, as well as:
  • RDAs of protein
  • Absorption issues
  • Requirements across differen…

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Everything You Need to Know About Snacking

I have seen many a weightless plan be completely unhinged due to sneaky snack calories. On the flip side, I have also seen many training athletes lose strength and endurance from not having enough snacks. Today I want to talk to the psychology of snacking, as well as the physiology. Hopefully with this insight you can determine whether you should be snacking or not.

So, why do we snack? Usually, your reason will fall into one of two camps; you have a physiological need that’s not being met, or yo…

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The Foundations of Nutrition Application

I was so pleased to recently be a guest on Leila Lutz's podcast, The Body Never Lies.

You can listen here or visit Leila's website here.

In this episode, we covered a lot of ground, including:
  • How is nutrition research done and what are its limitations
  • How do you look at research and translate it
  • How much study is done on women
  • Who is research done on
  • Research in practice in the clinic
  • Genetic predisposition for body types
  • The importance of lifestyle factors
  • Treating the whole per…

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Does Exercise Help The Immune System?

Today I'd like to answer the question, does exercise help the immune system?

I recently wrote a blog on training, exercise, and being sick. You can find my guide on how to gauge if you should train or compete while sick here.

I’ve had a lot of feedback from peeps saying it’s a quick and easy way to help them decide if they should skip a day or not.

And what I heard from a lot of you is that at times, there's a lot of pressure to “show up.” Some of you DM’d or emailed me saying you had a sense of re…

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